Required Rest

Use this tool to calulate required rest after a duty period.

  • Flight deck duty or deadhead - 30 minutes after block-in (12.B.1.g)
  • If delayed by CIQ (Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine) procedures, call the duty officer for a revised duty-off time (12.B.2) prior to entering legal rest.
  • Transportation time to the hotel does not affect duty.
  • Deadhead by surface transportation - ends at scheduled arrival time (12.B.1.f)

Leg type

Pairing constructed how many hours prior to showtime?


Select options which apply.

No options apply.

Have you just exceeded 8 block hours in the last 24?

Are you about to exceed 8 block hours in the next 24?

Does your trip (or series of trips) includes no duty (scheduled or actual) in the Critical Duty Period before exceeding 7:35 actual block hours?

Does your trip (or series of trips) includes no duty (scheduled or actual) in the Critical Duty Period after exceeding 7:35 actual block hours?

Is this a base hotel standby period?

Are you operating in a critical period?